The purpose of this website is to provide free Bible study materials to people who are in jail or prison. If you minister to folks like this, have family members who are incarcerated, or in a pen pal ministry please feel free to download, print and use any of these Bible studies. Right now we do not have the funds to mail any to anyone except the men we meet face to face in the local jail. However, if you have a loved one who is incarcerated, we hope you will print and mail many of these courses to them. If you minister to prisoners and want to use these courses in your teaching, please feel free to use them as much as you like.
If you want to use them in Sunday School, small group studies, or for your own personal study we have designed them to be useful in that way as well, and hope that you are blessed by them.
Over the years I have developed hundreds of lessons for our jail ministry, my own Sunday school class, or Friday Night Adult Bible study class, but they have to be re-formatted and stripped of copyrighted material before I can post them here. Turns out that is a lot of work. I am posting them here for others in the prison ministry to use. If you use them, let me know which kind you like and why, and I'll work on getting more of those posted next. (e-mail address below, hopefully hidden from robots)
We hope to add several courses a month to this website. Which ones we work on next will depend on which ones you want. Let us know what you are using and how you are using it. E-mail me at: editor lovebiblestudy com
What makes most of these studies unique is the way the questions are arranged and presented. The teacher seldom has to hurry to get done with a lesson or run out of lesson before running out of time. The material is organized around what is core to the lesson and what are optional enhancements. Because they are designed to let the Holy Spirit lead the class, teacher preparation is minimal. This happens because the teacher/leader/facilitator is basically just one of the students who happens to be in charge of guiding the discussion.
Statement of Faith
Methodology for Use with Pen Pals
Lending Library
Helpful Tips for Group Leaders
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Website Copyright 2013 Thor F Carden
Graphics copyright as marked in "alt" tag.
Graphics Copyright 2013 Troy Cunningham
Graphics Copyright 2013 Trish Carden
All rights reserved.
These are in order from least difficult to most difficult.
Basic Christianity
Courses for people who have just become Christians as adults.
Click Here
Prayers & Promises of the Bible
Courses looking at prayers and promises in the Bible. Any of the lessons are ideal for getting a new small group off to a good start. They do not have to be studied in any particular order. Each lesson is independent of the others. Click Here
Bible Word Studies
These are single sheet word studies suitable for self-study or a small group. Each one of them is independent of the others. Great for filling in awkward gaps in a study schedule. Click here.
The Words of Jesus
A series of courses based on just the words of Jesus in the New Testament. Click here.
The Bible - Chapter by Chapter
Eventualy we hope there will be a course for each book in the Bible. Many are already available. Click Here
Road to Emmaus
Based on what Jesus said to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, this series of courses looks at how the Old Testament enlightens the New Testament, and vice versa. These courses are being developed and will be posted as they become available. Many are available now. Click here.
The Bible - Book by Book
Eventualy there will be at least one course for each book in the Bible. There is only one lesson for each course and unlike most of our courses, these require a lot of reading outside of a class meeting. Many are available now. Click Here
Bible Topics
This series isn't really a series, in the same way the others are. It is sort of the "miscellaneous other" of courses that don't fit into any of our other categories. Click here.
Ephesians - Verse by Verse
I have posted one course on Ephesians Chapter One as an experiment. If it turns out to be useful I will do more. Click here
The Truth Served in a Love Sandwich
A series of courses designed to help the student to learn how to defend the Christian faith from attack. Click Here
New Testament Greek
This course contains everything you will need to translate the entire First Epistle of John into English. When you are finished you will be able to translate any passage in the Bible. It was designed as a first year course for home school high school students but it will also work for self-study. This course is available now. Click here.