The Carden/Swallows site contains over 800 pages of genealogical and family history information. About 300 have been sorted into these catergories:
Cemeteries |Census|Deaths|General|Kings Mountain |Maps|Marriages|Military|Orphanage|Stories
Click on a category above to see the listing for that category or simply
scroll down.
To see a complete listing of all pages on the site click on one of
the two links at the top of the page.
Augustine - Cedar Hill Cemetery
Plots Maryland
Augustine - Cedar Hill Cemetery section
25, Maryland
Augustine - Cedar Hill Cemetery section
27, Maryland
Augustine - Cedar Hill Cemetery section
28, Maryland
Augustine - Cedar Hill Cemetery,
4111 Pennsylvania Ave., Suitland, MD
Bogus Tombstone (Essay on Genealogy)
Bonner - Tombstone Of Sheriff Thomas Bonner
1690 - 1765
Carden - Alberta L. Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Bethel Cemetery, Carden Index -
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Cecil Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Cemetery in Coffee Co., TN
Carden - Charles E. Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Condy Lee Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Daniel Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Elizabeth J Carden, America
A Carden Ingles Rose
Carden - Fletcher Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Fred Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Harris, Gattis, Ray & Brock
Cemetery info. Durham &Orange Counties, North Carolina
Carden - Holbert D. Carden & Anna
O. Carden- Bethel Cemetery, AndersonCounty, TN
Carden - James & Estella Carden Footstones
- Bethel Cemetery, AndersonCounty, TN
Carden - James M., Estella & Elizabeth
Carden - Bethel Cemetery,Anderson County, TN
Carden - Jane Carden wife of J.E. Carden
- Bethel Cemetery, Anderson County,TN
Carden - John A. Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Mark A. Carden - Bethel Cemetery,
Anderson County, TN
Carden - Nashville National Cemetery - Madison,
Davidson County, Tennessee map
Carden - Sallie Foy Carden Photo and Tombstone
Carden - Sallie ONeta Tombstone Daughter
of Rev. James Jimmerson Carden - NorthCarolina
Carden - Tombstone Photos- William
B Carden, Bethenia W N Carden, James Jefferson
Ensor - Edward Ensor and wife Frances Tombstone
Ensor - Putnam County Tennessee Cemeteries
Ensor - Ruth Jared Ensor Tombstone
Ensor - William Asbury Ensor Memorial &
Ensor - William Wirt Ensor Tombstone
Evans - Sara Frances Evans Tombstone
Gatlin Cemetery - Limestone County, Alabama
Henerdson - Spencer Jesse Henderson Tombstone
Moore - Etta Moore Gravestone
Moore - Grace Lenora Moore Gravestone
Moore - Henry F Moore Photo & Gravestone
Moore - Hester Moore Gravestone 1803-1855
Moore - Marvin Moore Gravestone
O'Neal - House built by James Willis 'Jim' O'Neal
Photo - Martha SusanPaysinger O'Neal Tombstone - Jessie Abigail O'Neal
O'Neal - War of 1812 - Braxton ONeal -
and Tombstone
O'Neal - William Andrew 'Bill' O'Neal
and Ida B O'Neal Photo and Tombstones
Starnes - Map of Mount Holly Cemetery, Smithville,
Dekalb County Tennessee
Swallows - Roaring River Cemetery
Swallows - Tombstones in Kentucy and Tennessee
Barkanda, Andrew 1910 Census Image
Barkanda, Andrew 1920 Census Image
Barkanda, Andrew 1930 Census Image
Basham - Census 1850 In Kentucky
Basham - Civil War US Army Company G, 11th
Kentucky Infantry Regiment - Census& Death Records
Basham - Kentucky Census 1810-90
Basham - Kentucky Census Index 1910
Bonners - Census, Wills, Marriage, Military
North Carolina
Carden - Census - born in Tennessee
yet living in other states1920
Carden - Census 1755 - 1850 Orange County,
North Carolina
Carden - Census 1790 -1880 Links Page
Carden - Census 1790 -1930
Carden - Census 1800 - 1880 Orange
County, North Carolina
Carden - Census 1820 - 1880 Tennessee
Carden - Census 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850
Carden - Census 1900
Carden - Census 1900 Alabama
Carden - Census 1920
Carden - Census 1930 (coming soon)
Carden - Census 1930 Alabama
Carden - Census 1930 North
Carden - Census Image 1850 - John
Carden family, William Carden family, PatsyCarden, Thomas Lynch family
Carden - Census Image 1850 -
George Carden family
Carden - John, William & George
Carden Census Images 1850 & 1860 OrangeCounty, North Carolina
Carden - Mary & Gaston Census
Image 1870 &1930
Carden - Ray, Harris, Gattis Census
1920 Orange County, North Carolina
for Cardens in the United States1790 thru 1880
Cockrell - Census Records 1790-1870
Ensor - Census Image 1920 Overton
County, Tennessee
Ensor - Early Census, Emmigration, Marriage
Ensor - Odds and Ends in Tennessee
Foy - Census Data USA 1790-1890 Sorted
by Name, Year and State
Foy - Census Data USA 1790-1890 Sorted by Year,
State, and County
Foy - Census DataFoy Census Data USA 1790-1890
Sorted by State, County, Name
Foy - Census New Hanover Co., NC, 1870
Pender Co. NC, 1880
Foy - Census Records Index
Isbell - Census - Huddleston, Draper,
Ensor Jackson Co., TN and 1802 TaxRolls
Isbell - Census 1830 Extracts - Evans, Huddleston,
Carr - Tennessee
Isbell - Census, Marriage Kentucky
Isbell - Census, Revolutionary War, Civil War,
Marriages Tennessee
Isbell - Census, War of 1812 North Carolina
Isbell - Isbill, Isbel, Isbil Census 1860
Jones - Census 1850 Descendants of Thomas Jones
/ Jackson County, Tennessee
O'Neal - Census 1790 - 1870
Scarbrough, Huddleston, Census 1820 White
County, Tennessee
Andrew Bible page 1
Andrew Bible page 2
Andrew Bible 1903 translation
Starnes - Census 1850 1860 Smith & Dekalb
Counties, Tennessee
Swallows Census 1790-1860 USA
Swallows Census 1820-1920 Tennessee
Swallows Census 1850
Swallows Census 1860 & 1870 Tennessee
Swallows Census 1880 USA
Swallows Census 1900 Arkansas, Indiana,
Illinois, Indian Territory,Louisiana, Ohio, Texas,
Swallows Census 1900 Tennessee
Swallows Census 1910 USA
Swallows Census 1920 USA
Swallows Census 1930 Tennessee
Swallows Census Family Grouped
Swallows Census family groups
Born in Tennessee
Carden - Deaths 1908 - 1959 Alabama
Carden - Shelby County, Alabama Obituary
List of
Carden - Wills, Obituaries, Marriages,
Cemeteries, Deaths North Carolina
Civil War US Army Company G, 11th Kentucky
Infantry Regiment - Census& Death Records - Bashams
Cockrill - Cockeral in Kentucky Death Index 1911-1986
Epley - Daniel W Epley & Some Kentucky Death
Foy - Craven Co., North Carolina Marriage
and Death Records
Moore - Addie Moore Carden's
Swallows - Marriages, Military, Death,
Deeds, Cemeteries, Court Records,Geographic Places & Satterfield informationTennessee
Swallows Death Records
For Putnam County, Tennessee
Swallows Kentucky Death Index 1911-1986
Swallows Obituaries
Tennessee Death Index (1908-1912) Isbell, Ensor,
Starnes, Evans, Henderson,Gatlin, Bonner, Smith
Common Female Nicknames
Common Male Nicknames
Cousin Chart - Show difference between first
cousin and cousin onceremoved
Cousin Definitions
Free look-ups
History of Epidemics in North America
My Favorite Genealogy links
Naming Patterns
What to Take on a Wagon Train
Kings Mountain
Battle of King's Mountain - Last living
survivor & List of Wm.Lenoir's Company
Battle of King's Mountain - Official 1928
Battle of King's Mountain - Route of
the Over Mountain Men Map
Battle of Kings Mountain History
Battle of Kings Mountain History1845 by General
Joseph Graham
Battle of King's Mountain Links
Battle of Kings Mountain Roster
Battle of King's Mountaintop view
Free look-ups
The Patriots at Kings Mountain
1893 map of Sicily, Italy
1910 Trencsen Map with Mako
1910 Turoc Map with Sft. Mihály
1910 Veszprem Map
4 Maps of Orange, Durham and Granville Counties
Alabama Counties Map
Andrew Starnes Land Map
Azores location map
Batlle of Kings Mountain Map
Battle of King's Mountain - Route of
the Over Mountain Men Map
Bonner Migration Map
Carden Cemetery in Coffee Co., TN
Cedar Hill Cemetery Plots Maryland
Cedar Hill Cemetery section 25, Maryland
Cedar Hill Cemetery section 27, Maryland
Cedar Hill Cemetery section 28, Maryland
Cedar Hill Cemetery, 4111 Pennsylvania
Ave., Suitland, MD
Csongrad, Hungary 1910 Map
Early Roads in Alabama
Ensor Valley, Putnam Co., Tennessee
Hungarian Surnames that Derive their Meaning
from Occupations,Magyars or Hungarian Origins, Hungarian Map
Kentucky Counties map
Lincoln County, Tennessee District Map
Location Report for the ancestors of
Thor Carden and Trisha Swallows
Logan County, Kentucky, Map
Magyar Polany villiage Map
Map of Luzon, Philippine Islands World War
II Troop Dispositions
Map of Luzon, Philippine Islands
Map of Philippine Islands 1941-1942 Campaign
Map of Tennessee - Cherokee Tribes & Settlements
Maryland County Map
Nashville National Cemetery - Madison, Davidson
County, Tennessee map
Nationalities of the Kingdom of Hungary
in 1886
North Carolina County Map
North Carolina homes of James Jimmerson
Carden Map
Revolutionary War - His Majesty's Army
in New York Map
Revolutionary War - Pennsylvania Map
Scottish Clans Map
Tennessee Counties Map
Tennessee Counties Map 2
Tennessee Map1834
Tennessee Roads Before 1800
Todd County, Kentucky, Map
Virginia Counties Map
Warren County, Kentucky, Map
Wilderness Road and Kentucky Map
Carden Marriages 1741 - 1868 North
Carden Marriages 1809 - 1920 Alabama
Descendants of James Mayberry & Bedford
County, Virginia Marriages -1750 - 1850
Early Ensor Census, Emmigration, Marriage
Early Ensor marriage & land grant records
in Tennessee
Ensor Odds and Ends in Tennessee
Foy - Craven Co., North Carolina Marriage
and Death Records
Isbell - Some Marriage Bonds in Tennessee
Isbells in Kentucky - Census, Marriage
Kentucky Marriages 1802-1850 Basham, Cockrill
Kentucky Marriages 1851-1900 Basham, Taylor,
Shrum, Scarbrough, Cockrill,Swallows
Lawrence Co., Alabama Marriage Records
Lincoln County, Tennessee Marriages
Lincoln County, Tennessee Marriages -
(1851-1900) - O'Neal, Henderson,Gatlin, Bonner, Majors, Clark, Porter
Records - approximately 3,500
O'Neals - War of 1812, Wills, Marriages, Deeds
North Carolina
Swallows Marriages - Tennssee
Swallows Marriages
- Walker County, Georgia
Swallows Marriages, Military, Death, Deeds,
Cemeteries, Court Records,Geographic Places & Satterfield informationTennessee
Swallows Revolutionary War 1775-83 & Swallows
Gene Pool Records& DAR & 1790 Records
16th Tennessee Infantry Regiment
American Revolution Soldier John Cockrill
Andrew Swallow in The Revolutionary
Batlle of Kings Mountain Map
Battle of King's Mountain - Last living
survivor & List of Wm.Lenoir's Company
Battle of King's Mountain - Official 1928
Battle of King's Mountain - Route of
the Over Mountain Men Map
Battle of Kings Mountain History
Battle of Kings Mountain History1845 by General
Joseph Graham
Battle of King's Mountain Links
Battle of King's Mountain References and Sources
Battle of Kings Mountain Roster
Battle of King's Mountaintop view
Carden Army records for World War II
in the USA
Carden Revolutionary War &
War of 1812 Service Records
Chronology Of Major Events In World War
Civil War - 2nd North Carolina Cavalry - 19th
North Carolina Troops- Orange County, NC
Civil War - 44th Tennessee Infantry History
Civil War - 44th Tennessee Infantry, C.S.A.
Roster - Surnames: Bonner,Gatlin, Smith, Majors
Civil War - 67th North Carolina Infantry
History and Roster
Civil War - 84th Tennessee Infantry Regiment -
Civil War - Ancestors Who Served
Civil War - Battles fought in by James
Jimmerson Carden Carden- North Carolina
Civil War - Carden's Who Served in the
War Between the States
Civil War - Contents of J.M. Foy's Confederate
Pension File
Civil War - Foy's Who Served During the
War Between the States
Civil War - James Jimmerson Carden Photo
circa 1864 Confederate Calvary- North Carolina
Civil war & other Stories about the Moores
of Granville County,NC
Civil War 8th Tennessee Cavalry, CSA 13th Tennessee
Civil War at Munfordville, Kentucky
Civil War Confederate Ensors
Civil War Heroine - Louisa Jane Wheeler Clark
1836-1898 - North Carolina
Civil War in Sumner County,
Tennessee - Swallows Mystery
Colonial Militia
First Seminole War
Free look-ups
Isbells that were in the War of 1812
Isbells Who Fought at Battle of San Jancinto
James Jimmerson Carden (1843-1920) Ministry
Chronology, Civil War Battles- North Carolina
James Jimmerson Carden 1842-1920 From Confederate
Calvary to CircuitRiding Preacher - North Carolina
John W Augustine Military Service Record
William Augustine Military Photos & Photo of USS Missouri
Map of Luzon, Philippine Islands
Map of Philippine Islands
Military Insignia Button
Military Insignia Button Photo
Obediah Basham fought in 1st Virginia Regiment
of Col. Parker
Odis Swallows World War II - Notes
Odis Unley Swallows Sr. Goes to War
O'Neals - War of 1812, Wills, Marriages, Deeds
- North Carolina
Pearl Harbor Photos
Philip Moore Carden Military Photo 1 -
North Carolina
Revolutionary War - Ancestors that Fought- Battles
in the South
Revolutionary War - Battle of Brandywine &
Germantown - AndrewSwallow Notes
Revolutionary War - His Majesty's Army
in New York Map
Revolutionary War - Moore's
Creek Bridge, NC Feb 27, 1776
Revolutionary War - Samuel Doak's Famous Sermon
& Prayer
Revolutionary War Battles
Revolutionary War Chronology
of Andrew Swallows & Swallows Biobits & Court Records
Revolutionary War, Civil War, Census, Marriages
Isbells In Tennessee
Samuel Clark
(1832 - 1893) and Louisa Jane Wheeler (1836 - 1898)
Shrum Men Who Served In The Confederate Army
Starnes Marriages, War of 1812, Tennessee
- North Carolina
Swallows Military - World War I - Civil
War - War of 1812 - RevolutionaryWar
Swallows Revolutionary War 1775-83 & Swallows
Gene Pool Records& DAR & 1790 Records
The Patriots at Kings Mountain
U.S.S. General W.A. Mann Photo
U.S.S. Hatteras Photo
U.S.S. Utah Crew in action during early 1920s
U.S.S. Utah Crewmen parading before the New York
Public Library 1914,following their return from Vera Cruz
U.S.S. Utah Firing her fifth salvo, 26 June
1920, during exerciseswith her main battery Photo
U.S.S. Utah Photo
U.S.S. Utah Photo at Vera Cruz.
U.S.S. Utah Photo battalion marches along
the Vera Cruz waterfront1914
U.S.S. Utah's battalion marching through
Vera Cruz, led by a band ofMexican boys Photo
War Memorial Building
War Of 1812
War of 1812 - Braxton ONeal - and Tombstone
War of 1812 - Ensors
War of 1812 & Census of Isbells in North
War Of 1812 Roster for Jared-Jarrett-Garrett,
Wars and Conflicts in America 1622- Present
Watauga Association 1772
What military uniform is this?
World War I Carden Draft
Registration Cards Sruname Carden
World War II - Odis Swallows
World War II - Russell Alonzo Swallows,
Tina Ruth SwallowsPhotos
World War II Army Buddies of Odis Swallows
World War
II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
World War II Manila, Phillippines
World War II Phil Carden Miliatry Photo
World War II Philip M Carden
World War II Philip Moore Carden in uniform
larger Photo - NorthCarolina
World War II Philip Moore Carden in uniform
Photo - NorthCarolina
World War II Photos from the Philippines
-Odis SwallowsSr.
World War II Swallows photos
Brandt surname in the Washington D.C. area
1910 Trencsen Map with Mako
Civil war & other Stories about the Moores
of Granville County,NC
Civil War Heroine - Louisa Jane Wheeler Clark
1836-1898 - North Carolina
Cockrill Table of Contents - The Story of the
Cockrill Family
Elizabeth Rosaline Augustine (1916
to 1997) Photo & Autobiographicalsketch
Fabian Adam Augustine (1871-1958)
Photo & Autobiographical sketch
Fabian Adam Augustine (1871-1958)
Photo & Autobiographical sketchin Hungarian language
James Jimmerson Carden 1842-1920 From Confederate
Calvary to CircuitRiding Preacher - North Carolina
Joe and Teek Brassell Photos
John Joseph Agoston (Died 1891) The different
stories of his deathin English
John Joseph Agoston (Died 1891) The different
stories of his deathin Hungarian
John William Augustine (1894-1979) Photo
& Autobiographical Sketch
Keeping the Memories - My Childhood
Stories - Patricia Swallows Carden
Keeping the Memories - My Childhood
Table of Contents - Patricia SwallowsCarden
Philip M Carden Memorial
Philip M Carden Politics brochure, Hear
his voice from Radio interview
Scarborough Story
Swallows Family Story
The Bassam - Basham Story 1722-1900's
The Brassell Hangings
The Fiddle of Simon Ensor
Return to Welcome Page
Disclaimer: This
data is offered as a public service without any guaranty or warranty of
any kind. The purpose of this Web Page is to share information for the
purpose of research. I have not proved documentation of all genealogy material,
nor have I kept source notes as I should. But I had lots of fun and
met some great people along the way..
![]() |
the internet since 1998
March 2008
If you find any mistakes please contact the Web Page creator, Trisha Carden , and I shall try to correct them.