John Prettyman was employed as a soldier.
The Early Years
"about March was twelvemonth he was appointed by Mr. Pulton to goe in
his pinace as skipper & trader to the
Sesquihanoughs & by him appointed to hire men at Kent [Kent Island]
for the voyage, & that he would write to Mr. Brent to assist
him in it & that at his coming to Kent with the knowledge & consent
of Mr. Brent he hired John Prettiman to goe upon the voyage, &
that he hired him for 200 tob. P month, and that accordingly John Prettiman
was out vpon the voyage 2 Months (within 3. Daies) & that by his meanes
& presence he verily beleeveth the pinace & men were saved at that
time from destruction by the Sesquihanowes.
Source :
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636 1647
1641 - Mathias De Sousa, an African
indentured servant who came from England with Lord Baltimore, is elected
to Maryland's General Assembly.
Ebenezer Jones was a sergeant in the footmen under Captain Joseph Dirickson's in the Maryland milita in 1749.
Pre-Revolutionary Years
Thomas Jones was a private in the footmen under Captain Joseph Dirickson's in the Maryland milita in 1749.
Disclaimer: The purpose of this Web Page is to share information for the purpose of research. I have not proved documentation of all genealogy material, nor have I kept source notes as I should. But I had lots of fun and met some great people along the way..
If you find any mistakes please contact the Web Page creator, Trisha
Carden , and I
shall try to correct them.
Site copyright 1999, 2000, 2001
Trish S. Carden (Please feel free to use this information but if you do
please put a link back to this page)