New Hampshire Census, 1790-1890
Combined Matches: 36Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record Type Database ID#
1850 SWALLOW DANIEL Cheshire County NH 040 Winchester Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853056
1850 SWALLOW MICHAEL Cheshire County NH 058 Winchester Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853117
1850 SWALLOW ALBERT Hillsborough County NH 269 Nashua Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853037
1860 SWALLOW EMUGENE A. Hillsborough County NH 003 Nashua 1st Ward Federal Population Schedule NH 1860 Federal Census Index NH14299548
1890 SWALLOW JOHN C. Hillsborough County NH 007 Peterborough NH 1890 Veterans Schedule NH3877194
1820 SWALLOW JOHN JR. Hillsborough County NH 863 Mason Federal Population Schedule NH 1820 Federal Census Index NHS2a1222752
1800 SWALLOW JOHN JUN. Hillsborough County NH 568 21010-10110-00 Federal Population Schedule NH 1800 Federal Census Index NHS1a3058594
1800 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 568 02001-02201-00 Federal Population Schedule NH 1800 Federal Census Index NHS1a3058585
1800 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 568 02001-02201-00 Federal Population Schedule NH 1800 Federal Census Index NHS1a3058591
1830 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 322 Bedford Federal Population Schedule NH 1830 Federal Census Index NHS3a1802630
Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record Type Database ID#
1830 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 529 Mason Federal Population Schedule NH 1830 Federal Census Index NHS3a1802631
1850 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 296 Mason Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853090
1850 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 337 Peterborough Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853088
1850 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 337 Peterborough Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853089
1860 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 734 Peterborough Federal Population Schedule NH 1860 Federal Census Index NH14299549
1860 SWALLOW JOHN Hillsborough County NH 734 Peterborough Federal Population Schedule NH 1860 Federal Census Index NH14299550
1820 SWALLOW JOSEPH Hillsborough County NH 829 Dunstable Federal Population Schedule NH 1820 Federal Census Index NHS2a1222754
1830 SWALLOW JOSEPH Hillsborough County NH 336 Dunstable Federal Population Schedule NH 1830 Federal Census Index NHS3a1802636
1850 SWALLOW JOSEPH Hillsborough County NH 305 Nashua Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853098
1860 SWALLOW JOSEPH Hillsborough County NH 249 Nashua 8th Ward Federal Population Schedule NH 1860 Federal Census Index NH14299551
Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record Type Database ID#
1800 SWALLOW LEONARD Hillsborough County NH 578 10110-20110-00 Federal Population Schedule NH 1800 Federal Census Index NHS1a3058610
1850 SWALLOW MARK N. Hillsborough County NH 306 Nashua Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853112
1860 SWALLOW MARK N. Hillsborough County NH 249 Nashua 8th Ward Federal Population Schedule NH 1860 Federal Census Index NH14299552
1860 SWALLOW S TILLMAN Hillsborough County NH 249 Nashua 8th Ward Federal Population Schedule NH 1860 Federal Census Index NH14299553
1800 SWALLOW SILAS Hillsborough County NH 498 01001-01011-00 Federal Population Schedule NH 1800 Federal Census Index NHS1a3058626
1800 SWALLOW SILAS Hillsborough County NH 498 01001-01011-00 Federal Population Schedule NH 1800 Federal Census Index NHS1a3058628
1820 SWALLOW SILAS Hillsborough County NH 829 Dunstable Federal Population Schedule NH 1820 Federal Census Index NHS2a1222761
1850 SWALLOW STILMAN Hillsborough County NH 305 Nashua Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853135
1850 SWALLOW WILLIAM A. Hillsborough County NH 307 Nashua Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853149
1890 SWALLOW WILLIAM A. Hillsborough County NH 002 Nashua E.D. 153 NH 1890 Veterans Schedule NH3876432
Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info Record Type Database ID#
1776 TUCKER SWALLOW Hillsborough County NH NPN Brookline NH Early Census Index NHS1a3214173
1776 TUCKER SWALLOW Hillsborough County NH NPN Brookline NH Early Census Index NHS1a3214176
1800 TUCKER SWALLOW Hillsborough County NH 483 00101-01001-00 Federal Population Schedule NH 1800 Federal Census Index NHS1a3214174
1800 TUCKER SWALLOW Hillsborough County NH 483 00101-01001-00 Federal Population Schedule NH 1800 Federal Census Index NHS1a3214177
1850 SWALLOW JOSEPH Rockingham County NH 055 Portsmouth Federal Population Schedule NH 1850 Federal Census Index NHS6a2853097
1890 SWALLOW JOHN F. Sullivan County NH 006 Charlestown NH 1890 Veterans Schedule NH38712826
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Disclaimer: The purpose of this Web Page is to share information for the purpose of research. I have not proved documentation of all genealogy material, nor have I kept source notes as I should. But I had lots of fun and met some great people along the way..
If you find any mistakes please contact the Web Page creator, Trisha Carden
, and I shall try to correct them.
Site copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 Trish S. Carden (Please feel free to use this information but if you do please put a link back to this page)