Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info
Record Type Database ID#
1790 SWALLOW JOSHUA Kent County DE Little Creek Hundred
Tax list Federal Population Schedule DE 1790 Federal Census Index DES1a3058607
1790 SWALLOW JOSHUA Kent County DE Little Creek Hundred
Tax list Federal Population Schedule DE 1790 Federal Census Index DES1a3058609
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 142
Swallow, George.Farmer. Will. Made Feb. 7, 1749/50. Heirs: wife Johana;
sons Silvenus, George, John. Exec'rs, wife Johana & John Snow. Wits.,
Sarah Alston, Mary Sterling, James Sterling. Prob. Feb. 13, 1750. Arch.
vol. A49, page 132. Reg. of Wills, Liber K, folios 30-31.
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Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 236
Swallow, George.Admin. of, to Silvanus Swallow, next of kin. Sept.
2, 1768. Arch. vol. A49, page 133. Reg. of Wills, Liber L, folio 47.
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 263
Hawkins, Dohority [Dorothea].Admin. of, to John Swallow, next of kin.
Feb. 12, 1772. Arch. vol. A23, page 21. Reg. of Wills, Liber L, folios
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 285
Manlove, Matthew.Farmer. Will. Made Dec. 13, 1773. Heirs: sister Margaret
Craige; bro. Mark Manlove; nephew Matthew Manlove, son of bro. Mark. Exec'r,
bro. Mark Manlove. Wits., Jonathan Sipple, James Reed, Silvanus Swallow.
Prob. Dec. 23, 1773. Arch. vol. A32, page 47. Reg. of Wills, Liber L, folios
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 380
Swallow, John.Admin. of, to Sarah Swallow. Feb. 29, 1786. Arch. vol.
A49, page 134. Reg. of Wills, Liber M, folio 101. Note:—Admin. acct. shows
Sarah Danes as adm'x.
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 116
Swallow (Swallo), Dorothy, 109, 113
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 116
Swallow (Swallo), George, 142, 236
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 116
Swallow (Swallo), Johana, 142
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 116
Swallow (Swallo), John, 142, 263, 380
Swallow (Swallo), Joshua, 113
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 116
Swallow (Swallo), Sarah, 380
Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680 - 1800
page 116
Swallow (Swallo), Silvanus, 142, 236, 285
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If you find any mistakes please contact the Web Page creator, Trisha
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