Schrum, Daniel MO Cav.
Preston's BN Co. C
Schrum, David MO Cav. Preston's BN Co. C
Schrum, Nicholas J. TN Cav. 7th Bn. Bennett's Co. C
Schrum, William TN
Cav. 7th Bn. Bennett's Co. C
Shrum, Asa AR 15th Mil. Co G, 1st Sgt.
Shrum, Caleb VA 23rd Cav. Co. I
Shrum, Daniel AR 25th Inf. Co. I
Shrum, Daniel NC 23rd Inf. Co. D
Shrum, Daniel W. TX 16th Cav. Co. A
Shrum, David MO 4th Cav. Co. C
Shrum, Elisha TX 10th Cav. Co. D
Shrum, F.M. MO 12th Inf. Co. C
Shrum, Henry NC 52nd Inf. Co. H
Shrum, J. TX 17th Cons. Dismtd. Cav. Co.I,Sgt.
Shrum, Jacob MO 6th Cav. Co. F
Shrum, Jacob MO 8th Cav. Co. C
Shrum, Jacob MO Cav. Preston's Bn. Co. C
Shrum, Jacob MO 12th Inf. Co. F
Shrum, Jacob TX 17th Cav. Co. G, Sgt.
Shrum, Jacob TX Granbury's Cons. Brig. Co. G
Shrum, James M. MO
4th Cav. Co. C
Shrum, James M. MO Cav. Preston's Bn. Co. C
Shrum, J. Franklin NC 11th (Bethel Regt.) Inf. Co. I
Shrum, J.L. AR 5th Inf. Co. B
Shrum, Joel F. TN 2nd (Robison's) Inf. Co. K
Shrum, Joel F. TN 2nd Inf. Co. K
Shrum, John MO 6th Cav. Co. F
Shrum, John NC 28th Inf. Co. B
Shrum, John TN 35th Inf. 3rd Co. F
Shrum, John TN Conscr. (Cp. Of Instr.)
Shrum, John TX 3rd Cav. Co. H
Shrum, John TX Conscr.
Shrum, John T. MO 12th Inf. Co. C
Shrum, Martin L. VA 136th Mil. Co. C, Sgt.
Shrum, Michael NC 4th Sr. Res. Co. E
Shrum, M.L. VA 2nd Inf. Co. C
Shrum, Moses TN 35th Inf. 3rd Co. F
Shrum, Moses TN Conscr. (Cp. Of Instr.)
Shrum, N.J. TN 9th (Ward's) Cav. Co. F
Shrum, Samuel VA 3rd (Chrisman's) Bn. Res. Co. B
Shrum, Samuel VA 9th Bn. Res. Co. C
Shrum, Samuel VA 58th Mil. Co. G
Shrum, William AR Inf. 1st Bn. Co. E
Shrum, William AR 19th (Dawson's) Inf. Co. B
Shrum, William AR Inf. Hardy's Regt. Co. G
Shrum, William H. MO 12th Inf. Co. C
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Disclaimer: The purpose of this Web Page is to share information for the purpose of research. I have not proved documentation of all genealogy material, nor have I kept source notes as I should. But I had lots of fun and met some great people along the way..
If you find any mistakes please contact the Web Page creator, Trisha
Carden , and I
shall try to correct them.