Site copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 Trish S. Carden (Please feel free to use this information but if you do please put a link back to this page)Descendants of James Cox
Generation No. 11. JAMES COX. He married ELIZABETH UNKNOWN.
James Cox who died in Orange Co. 1739 was probably the son of Christopher Cock(e) and Grace Bolitho(e):
Notes for JAMES COX:
James Cox last will and testament
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMENThis sixtenth day of December in the year of our lord 1738. I James Cox
of St. Marks Parish in the County of Orange (VA) Being very sick and weak
but in perfect mind and memory Thanks be given to God Therefore, calling to mind the morbidity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die: I do make and ordain this my last will and testament: that is; to say principally and first of all - I give and recommend my soul into the hand of God that gave it and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my executors nothing doubting+ but at the general resurrection I shall receive that and again by the almighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God Almighty and in this life I give devise and dispose of the saved in the following manner and form: Then* I give and bequeath to my youngest son John Cox all that tract of land containing 200 acres with the plantation and all, this __ whereon I now direct with 25 acres I purchased of Edward Haley joining same tract on the other side of a branch that is today ?uopt? to where I now live is not yet acknowledged to me, to him and his heirs forever. Then* I give and bequeath two hundred acres of land to my son Francis Cox joining him, to the land of Andrew Harrisson and Capt Gwin Sharpe and his heirs forever, It being part of a tract of five hundred & eighty acres not yet patented Then* I give and bequeath to my son James Cox two hundred acres joining to my son Francis to him and his heirs forever, Then* I give and bequeath to my daughter Naomi Cox one hundred & eighty acres joining to my son James being the remainder part of the land tract to her and her heirs & assigns forever Then* I give and bequeath to my eldest son William Cox one hundred fifty acres of land lying in Hanover county on the land of the county & on both sides of the branches of Lyreke? River to him and his heirs forever Then* I give and bequeath one hundred & fifty acres of land to my son James Cox being part of the same tract with my son William to him and his heirs forever Then* I give and bequeath to Henry Isbell three hundred acres of land where the said Henry Isbell now lives on joining to the land of Henry Rice and Capt Gwin and Richard Sharpe to him and his heirs forever Then* I give and bequeath unto John Evans one hundred & twenty acres of land whereon the said Evans now dwell being part of the land tract of Henry Isbell to him and his heirs forever Then* I give and bequeath unto Joseph Holder one hundred & ten acres of land being the remainder of part of that tract of Henry Isbell & John Evans & adjoining Ismuel Housley, to him and his heirs forever Then* I give and bequeath unto my brother William Cox four hundred acres of land where said William Cox now lives on provided that he pays unto my estate ninety pounds over? $money within and worth? to him and his heirs forever and that he be & will have to pay the interest of said land when it shall be demanded and if he shall pay the balance of the money due for this land by the first day of January one thousand seven hundred thirty nine but if my brother fails to pay the several terms of money mentioned my executor to sell the said land my brother William Cox now lives on by way of outcry, I allow my honorable? executors to sell the? land above & the little mountain on the branches of the Swift river belonging to me four hundred acres each tract to pay for my debts Then* my desire is to leave my negro man David Dombo and all other moveable estate to my beloved wife Elizabeth so long as she shall remain a widow & if my wife shall decease before marriage I order it to be equally divided amongst all my children I and? my? wife desires that if either my son James or Francis or my daughter Naomi shall die before they shall become to lawful age the lower lott of the five hundred & eighty acres of land I give permission? to be sold and the money to be put in to my estate and I desire my honorable charges be paid out of my estate and I do hereby ordain William Waller Gent. of Spotsylvania County and my son William Cox and Elizabeth my wife my only and sole executors of this my last will and testament and I order and by uttering this instrument allow revoke and disanull all other testament & former wills and legacies bequeaths and executors by me in any way before this time named and do confirm this and order this being my last will and testament WITNESS whereof I have now set my hand and seal this day and year above written.MEMORANDUM and Elizabeth my wife _?___ before afore said signed sealed and delivered Witnesses of
Henry Isbell,
Edward Haloy,
Henry Reed
Signed James Cox (SEAL)At the court held for Orange County on
Thursday the 22nd day of February 1738?**This last will and testament of James Cox deceased was presented into
court by William Waller Gent. ____ the executor ___ _____ who refused to hand the burden of the executorship and there were Elizabeth the relic of ___
James Cox & William Cox the two other executors the assigned will named with oath thereto according to law and being proved by the oathes of Henry Reed and Henry Isbell two of the witnesses thereto is admitted to record and on motion of Elizabeth and William Cox certificates is granted therefore to
making a probate ___ ___ formSigned Henry Willis Cl Ck
The will was extremely difficult to decipher. The writter wrote with such a flair and after the document was copied several times it was even more difficult. Please suggest other words or interruptations.
* then or thence is legalese and may have been the word used. Apparently a swingle was used for paragraph separations and then the above or something equal to the period.
**1738 is shown, however, the will was prepared in December and 1738 written out thus this must be 1739.
+ doubting "to waive in opinion; be undecided etc."
toddle "to walk with short tottering steps, as a child"
i. HANNAH COX, b. Abt. 1700.
iv. NAOMI.
Generation No. 2
2. HANNAH COX was born Abt. 1700. She married HENRY ISBELLE, son of WILLIAM ISBELLE and UNKNOWN LEWIS.
Children of HANNAH COX and HENRY ISBELLE are:
ii. WILLIAM B ISBELLE, b. 1713, VA; d. October 03, 1807, Goochland Co., VA; m. ANN DILLARD, March 05, 1736/37, Goochland Co., VA.Notes for WILLIAM B ISBELLE:
Source: Noah and Mary South's Genealogy
iii. JAMES B. ISBELLE, b. 1720, Lunenburg, VA; d. November 02, 1780, Wilkes Co., NC; m. FRANCES TOMPKINS LIVINGSTON, 1746, Albermarle Co., VA.
Buried: Nov 1780 Old German, Wilkesboro Co, NCJames appears on the Orange Co. VA list of tithables; the list of Philip Bush in 1749, and that of John Bryant in 1756. These enumerated white males over 16, and slaves over 16. Bought 200 acres in Orange in 1754; in 1761 James and wife Frances of Orange sold this land. James of Albemarle Co. bought 320 acres in Orange in 1771. James and Frances of Albemarle sold 145 acres in Orange Co. in 1777 and 225 in 1779. Road overseer in 1775, also in western end of Orange. Family records state that he and his wife are buried at the Old German Burying Ground near, Wilkesboro in Wilkes Co, NC. This may be the old Dutch Cemetery, across from Antioch Church, in eastern Wilkes Co. A British mercantile claim says he had a very good estate in Wilkes Co., but before the peace he became deranged in his mind and shot himself; his estate after his death was squandered among his children, most of whom settled in the same neighborhood.
vi. HENRY ISBELLE, b. 1724, VA; d. Wilkes Co., NC; m. HANNAH F. UNKNOWN.
vii. BENJAMIN ISBELLE, b. 1734, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Abt. 1828, Warren Co., KY; m. LETITIA HICKMAN.
viii. GEORGE ISBELLE, b. 1761; d. 1794; m. MARY DANIEL, 1780.
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If you find any mistakes please contact the Web Page creator, Trisha Carden
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