Fat Lazy Dragons
Summary of the dragons and their lies
(Complete - but needs formatting badly)
Name Color Description and example
Quiver Brown Words with 2 meanings as if only had 1
Browning the meat is not the same thing as painting it brown
Track Blue Drawing attention to the wrong thing
Poor pitiful, me, I'm feeling blue. Don't pick on me.
Cuz Green False causes because close in time or place
The trees turning green in the spring causes it to get warmer.
Slant Purple One side of the story
Purple mountains have more than one side.
Begg Red Pretending agreement already reached
Assuming that turning red means embarrassment
Slope Yellow One thing leads to another
Slipping on a yellow banana peel may or may not kill you.
Too much, or too little detail
Just because a flower is yellow doesn't make it a Buttercup.
Compo White No difference, when there is
White snowflakes are all alike
Limited kinds, when there are more kinds
Light is white or not light, but a prism shows otherwise
Part is like what it is part of, and a whole is like its parts
White clouds are water and water is clouds
Perf Black Saying something is a fact, when it is not
White is black.
Mal Orange Putting things in the wrong category
Oranges are round, your head is round, so your head is an orange.